Commissary Patron Council brings benefit into focus
Carrie Williams, DECA
– “Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection
we can catch excellence,” said Rick Page, acting director of
the Defense Commissary Agency, quoting Vince Lombardi on the
subject of excellence. Page kicked off his “state of the
benefit” briefing at the agency’s recent Patron Council
meeting with these words to emphasize DeCA’s pursuit of an
excellent commissary benefit.
meeting, held at the Association of the United States Army
Headquarters, in
, brought together senior DeCA leaders and council members to
share commissary information and customer concerns. Council
members represent active duty, Guard and Reserve members,
retirees and military families.
big news from the meeting is the ground the agency has gained in
taking the benefit on the road. DeCA has taken the commissary
benefit to Guard and Reserve members and their families at
remote locations, conducting on-site sales out of warehouses,
aircraft hangars, armories, tents in parking lots, and even the
back ends of semitrailers. Page said the agency has about 100 of
these on-site sales planned for 2008. “Remember, we’re not
interested in being good,” he said. “We want to be
excellent. That means bringing the benefit to customers in
out-of-the-way locations so that they, too, can reap the savings
only the commissary can deliver.” While the focus is on Guard
and Reserve, the on-site sales are a boon to all authorized
shoppers living near them. All customers are welcome, Page
Chandler, DeCA’s sales director, briefed council members on
future trends and changes to product mix. He talked about the
new “Go Green” promotion and explained that the agency is
encouraging customers to purchase eco-friendly products that are
now available in commissaries worldwide, such as compact
fluorescent light bulbs, recycled paper products, “green”
cleaning supplies and reusable grocery bags. Made of sturdy
green cloth and costing 70 cents each, the bags have been so
popular DeCA’s supplier has had difficulty keeping them in the
stores. “We’ve sold about half a million in four months,”
Page said. “Customer demand is greater than we expected, but
rest assured we are working to get additional shipments to all
commissaries as soon as possible.”
Cauthers, DeCA’s marketing chief, discussed the agency’s
latest promotional campaigns, including “Discover Your
Benefit.” This is a big, year-long campaign designed to
encourage customers to discover all that their benefit has to
offer, not just in the store, but also on,
where customers can check out Kay’s Kitchen and Ask the DeCA
Dietitian; sign up for Commissary Connection, an e-mail
newsletter; print coupons; and register for shopping sprees, to
name just a few of its features.
Dietician Maj. Karen Fauber delivered information about the
agency’s newest health and wellness initiatives. These include
a new online forum called “Ask the DeCA Dietitian” and many
store-level programs such as “Walk into Wellness,” health
screenings and commissary tours that focus on nutrition
result of the recent meeting is an expanded Patron Council page
Council members can now log in and get the latest commissary
news digested and formatted for use in newsletters and
publications they distribute to their respective military
members are nominated as official representatives of their
respective service or association and are then selected by
DeCA’s director. They work throughout the year with DeCA
officials to provide factual commissary information to their
constituents and to relay customer concerns and issues back to
Council members:
Component Representative, Colonel James Scott, ARNG (Ret)
Air Force Retiree and Family Matters Representative, Chief
Master Sergeant of the Air Force Jim Finch, USAF (Ret),
Air Force Senior Enlisted Representative, Chief Master
Sergeant Sandy Miller,
Force Reserve Senior Enlisted Representative,Chief Master
Sergeant Terry Luzader,
Air National Guard Senior Enlisted Representative, Master
Sergeant Tiffiney Kellum,
Army Retirement Services Representative, Colonel John
Army National Guard Senior Enlisted Representative, Staff
Sergeant Elizabeth Carvalho,
Army Reserve Senior Enlisted Representative, Sergeant
Major Lana Labay,
Coast Guard Senior Enlisted Representative, Master Chief
Yeoman Ann Tubbs,
Coast Guard Reserve Senior Enlisted Advisor, Master Chief
Petty Officer Gail Owens,
Marine Corps Senior Enlisted Representative, Sergeant
Major Thomas Murphy,
Navy Senior Enlisted Representative, Force Master Chief
Kevin Blade,
Fleet Reserve Association and Military Coalition
Representative, Master Chief Petty Officer Joe Barnes, USN
Association of the U.S. Army Representative, Sylvia Kidd,
National Military Family Association Representative,
Jessica Perdew,

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