Market - Travel Australia

Exotic Travel Locations



Travel to Exotic Locations. Special prices in the Spring of 2005

lol12060c   Discounted Asian entertainment and instructional videos VCD or DVD, collectible hand-made Chinese and Japanese dolls and Chinese paintings.

Thailand hotel Thailand hotel discount hotel cheap 75%

Ojime | Ojime Beads
  Beads of Bali offers exquisite ojime beads and pendants, made in Bali by the island's best carvers


Travel Warnings and Advisory 

Before you travel, check out the official advisories.

Military Travel Agent, both official 
and unofficial travel on select bases worldwide

Armed Forces Recreation Center
Armed Forces Recreation Centers (AFRCs) Mission Statement: Centrally-managed, U.S. Army Community and Family Support Center-operated Armed Forces Recreation Centers (Joint Services facilities) with mission to provide rest, relaxation, recreation, and sustainment for Army personnel, their families, and other members of the total Defense Force.

Military Temp Lodging


Air Force

Marine Clubs


at the beach
beach an cabins

 Travel Tips

Unbiased vacation and hotel reviews. - Providing free, unbiased reviews on where to go, where to stay and what to do, in thousands of cities worldwide.

Travel Assist
Contains articles on travel and travel spots around the World.

Travel Medicine
Includes tips on traveling, environmental hazards, and an overview of different diseases and vaccinations.

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